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How do I print int into array variable of char type in C?

Input maze:


Output expected:


here I have stored maze as 2d array into structure as:

struct mazecells{
    char symbol;
    int reachable;
    int visited;
    int clear;
    int costs;

typedef struct maze {
    struct mazecells M[BUFFERSIZE][BUFFERSIZE];
    int startx, starty;
    int numrows, numcolumns;
    int initdir;

so whenever my program traverse through maze path ie '.' , I have assigned cost to that path using maze->M[pos.y][pos.x].costs = <cost_value> .
Now while printing output as shown above, I need to print the cost value instead of maze symbol. I have written below code but it is printing some random junk characters. How can I achieve it.

    if (maze->M[i][j].costs !=0)
        printf("%c",  '0');
        printf("%c",  maze->M[i][j].costs);

it's giving below output:

##0     00♠##....##

If you want to translate the number in "cost" to string, you must use one of: 1. Use %d instead of %c. 2. Use the ascii table and convert your number to char. 3. Use %s with itoa funtion. Actually you were printing ascii code of the number (cost) but not the number

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