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Parsing Facebook JSON Game Request Data

I am currently using facebook and I have a callback method that returns a JSON result as a string.

The result has the following format:

"request": "420211088059698",
"to": [

How would I go about parsing the "to" into a list of some sort? This way I can use this list to verify that the user actually did indeed send a request to a friend to play the game.

Thanks guys

You need to convert it to a class array. That can be done with Unity's built in JsonUtility API.

JsonUtility.ToJson to convert a class to Json.

JsonUtility.FromJson to convert Json back to class.

Visit here Json array example.


You asked for an example:

class FacebookInfo
    public string request;
    public string[] to;

void Start()
    FacebookInfo fbInfo = new FacebookInfo();
    string fbJson = "{\"request\": \"420211088059698\",\"to\": [\"100002669403922\",\"100000048490273\"]}";
    fbInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson<FacebookInfo>(fbJson);

    //Show request
    Debug.Log("Request: " + fbInfo.request);

    //Show to arrays
    for (int i = 0; i < fbInfo.to.Length; i++)
        Debug.Log("To : " + fbInfo.to[i]);

Tested with Unity and it looks like Unity now support Json array without writing extra code. Just make sure you have this version I mentioned.

You can use JSON.Net for deserializing to a class of below structure:

Class Test{
public string request {get;set;}
public List<string> to {get;set;}

then just call deserialize method on the JSON string to get the object.

Test obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Test>(jsonstring);

只需使用SimpleJson http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/SimpleJSON ,无需额外的工作,看一下示例,您所要做的就是使用JSON.Parse,您将得到一个数组,可以像数据一样使用它[ “ request”]以获取值,希望对您有所帮助。

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