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MATCH() failing in Exec VBA - Expected: List Separator or ')'

I'm trying to use the worksheetfunction MATCH() in vba. I'm referencing a listobject:

debug.print Application.Match("Austria", qryGeoSubRegions[SubRegionname])

but it just returns an error Expected: List Separator or ')' , it doesn't seem to like the table column reference. Any ideas why?

There might be a problem with your column reference. Can you confirm that


refers to aa contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values?

You could test this idea with a simpler definition of the range, like

debug.print Application.Match("Austria", Worksheets(1).Columns(1), 0)

The problem is that you are using a worksheet reference in vba. Either change the reference to vba or use Evaluate:

 debug.print Application.Match("Austria", Range("qryGeoSubRegions[SubRegionname]"))


debug.print Activesheet.Evaluate("MATCH(""Austria"", qryGeoSubRegions[SubRegionname])")

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