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How to set the integer constraints when use the Genetic Algorithm in Matlab?


x = ga(fitnessfcn,nvars);

Use the optional ga function parameters LB (lower bound), UB (upper bound) and IntCon (integer constraints). The signature for the MATLAB genetic algorithm function that you want to use is:

x = ga(fitnessfcn,nvars,A,b,[],[],LB,UB,nonlcon,IntCon)

For example, you could use the MATLAB GA to solve a 10 binary variable problem as follows:

% Number of variables
nVars = 10

% Lower and upper bounds
LB = zeros(1, nVars);
UB = ones(1, nVars);

% Variables with integer constraints (all in this case)
IntCon = 1:nVars;

% Run the GA solver
x = ga(fitnessfcn, nVars, [], [], [], [], LB, UB, [], IntCon);

Notice that the linear inequality constraints A and b , and non-linear constraints nonlcon are optional and can be replaced with [] if they don't exist.

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