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Snapshot in firebase. how to dig deeper into the snapshot

currently my data is as such

            'random key 1':
                'name': 'Chris';
                'date': '24 May 2016'
            'random key 2':
                'name': 'John';
                'date': '25 May 2016'
            'random key 1':
                'name': 'Chris';
                'date': '24 May 2016'
            'random key 2':
                'name': 'John';
                'date': '25 May 2016'

The random key is generated by firebase childByAutoID()

The question is when I get my snapshot, how do I get the details of each random key? Basically I need to retrieve the data from listone and I will populate my tableview by sorting the earliest entrydate . however after getting the snapshot I am lost as to how I can get the information out of the snapshot.

     override func viewDidLoad() {
    ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
    let uid = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.uid

    let listOneRef = ref.child(uid + "/listone")

    _ = listOneRef.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in

        for item in snapshot.children {
            let child = item.children.allObjects

            for snap in child {
                //anyitems was initialized as [AnyObject] array


I have no idea how to actually make use of the details. when I print anyitems I do see some details ie

[Snap (-KJ-jqTNf3MTtY8YRH-3) {
Name = "Chris";
Date = "30 May 2016";
}, Snap (-KJ01QYoTedZkClsf13Y) {
Name = "John";
Date = "30 May 2016";

I'm not on Xcode right now so I can't verify, but it should be something like:

for snapshot in anyitems {

And I think subscripting should also work:

for snapshot in anyitems {

If you need to tell the type to the compiler:

for snapshot in anyitems as! [FIRDataSnapshot] {

But it would be better, as you've noticed, to safely cast the array before accessing its content:

if let snapshots = snapshot.children.allObjects as? [FIRDataSnapshot] {


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