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Cleaning up disk space on Centos OS

I'm having issues with inconsistently my site going down (giving a 500 error) and when running commands getting:

-jailshell: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable

I'm a noob on the server.

I ran df -h and I got back:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        39G   24G   14G  65% /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman
/dev/root       152G  102G   49G  68% /var/spool
/dev/root        39G   24G   14G  65% /usr/sbin
/dev/root        15G  9.3G  4.3G  69% /etc/mail
/dev/root       9.5G  1.3G  7.8G  15% /var/tmp
/dev/root        15G  9.3G  4.3G  69% /lib64
/dev/root        15G  9.3G  4.3G  69% /sbin
/dev/root        15G  9.3G  4.3G  69% /opt
/dev/root        39G   24G   14G  65% /usr
/dev/root       152G  102G   49G  68% /var
/dev/root       9.5G  1.3G  7.8G  15% /tmp
/dev/root        32G  164K   32G   1% /dev
/dev/root        15G  9.3G  4.3G  69% /bin
/dev/root        15G  9.3G  4.3G  69% /lib
/dev/root       1.8T  1.2T  639G  65% /home4/sitedir

sitedir being where everything is hosted.

I feel that 1.2T of mem being used is a lot. But i'm unsure. Is there anyway I can look at what's causing this amount of memory in /home4/sitedir and possibly how I could clean it up?

For starters, try running the top command as root and press the m key to sort the processes by memory once top is running. You should see the processes using the most memory since the m key sorts by memory usage.


As I mentioned in my comment above, the question asks about disk space but then refers to memory in the body. You have a command to give you the disk space ( df -h ) so I am giving you a response for the (possible) memory side of the your question, if indeed that is what you are concerned about.

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