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NHibernate insert new record with a null many-to-one mapping

I have a Companies table mapped to a Company class and a Websites table mapped to a Website class. My Companies table is basically non-moving, however I'm trying to insert a new Website record with the following:

var website = new Website
    Active = true,
    SiteRoot = "example.com",
    CompanyId = 100     
var repo = new WebsiteRepository();

The website class has a CompanyId property which is what maps back to the ID column in the Companies table, but because the Website class has a many-to-one mapping, it's trying to insert the website.Company.Id property into the table(which is null) instead of taking the website.Id property.

There are no foreign keys involved as the tables are in 2 separate databases.

This is the error I'm receiving:

NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException: could not insert: [Models.Website][SQL: INSERT INTO Database1.dbo.Websites (CompanyID, SiteRoot, Active) VALUES (?, ?, ?); select SCOPE_IDENTITY()] ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'CompanyID', table 'Database1.dbo.Websites'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

NHibernate: INSERT INTO Database1.dbo.Websites (CompanyID, SiteRoot, Active) VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2); select SCOPE_IDENTITY();@p0 = NULL [Type: Int32 (0)], @p1 = 'example.com' [Type: String (4000)], @p2 = True [Type: Boolean (0)]

Here are the mappings:

<hibernate-mapping assembly="Models" namespace="Models" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" schema="Database1.dbo">
  <class name="Website" table="Websites" lazy="true" >
    <id name="Id" column="ID">
      <generator class="identity" />
    <many-to-one name="Company" column="CompanyID" fetch="join"/>
    <property name="SiteRoot">
      <column name="SiteRoot" sql-type="nvarchar" length="50" not-null="false" />
    <property name="Active">
      <column name="Active" sql-type="bit" not-null="true" />

<hibernate-mapping assembly="Models" namespace="Models" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" schema="Database2.dbo">
  <class name="Company" table="Companies" lazy="true" >
    <id name="Id" column="ID">
      <generator class="identity" />
    <property name="CompanyId">
      <column name="CompanyID" sql-type="int" not-null="true" />
    <property name="CompanyName">
      <column name="CompanyName" sql-type="nchar" not-null="false" />
    <set name="Websites" table="Websites" schema="Database1.dbo" lazy="false">
      <key column="CID"/>
      <one-to-many class="Models.Website, Models" />

You need to assign a company to the Company property to implement the many-to-one relation. Something like this:

var website = new Website
    Active = true,
    SiteRoot = "example.com",
    Company = session.Load(100);

Or, if you like, use a repository:

var website = new Website
    Active = true,
    SiteRoot = "example.com",
    Company = CompanyRepository.Get(100);


  • session.Load doesn't load anything from the database if lazy loading is enabled. It only creates a proxy. This is very efficient. At the end it only creates an INSERT statement for the Website with a foreign key of 100, without loosing the object oriented programming style in your code.

  • Never access foreign keys in the class model. Foreign keys are managed by NHibernate and do not exist in an object oriented model.

通过将多对一映射设置为insert =“ false”和update =“ false”,然后将CompanyId属性添加到网站映射来解决此问题。

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