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Apache Nifi ExecuteSQL Processor

我正在尝试使用ExecuteSQL处理器从oracle数据库中获取数据。我有一些查询,比如我的oracle数据库中有15条记录。当我运行ExecuteSQL处理器时,它将作为流处理连续运行并将整个记录存储为HDFS中的单个文件并重复执行相同操作。因此,hdfs位置中将有许多文件将从oracle db获取已经获取的记录,这些文件包含相同的数据。如何使这个处理器在这样的数据库中运行它必须从oracle db获取所有数据一次并存储为单个文件,并且当新的记录插入到db中时,它必须将它们摄取到hdfs位置?

Take a look at the QueryDatabaseTable processor:


You will need to tell this processor one or more columns to use to track new records, this is the Maximum Value Columns property. If your table has a one-up id column you can use that, and every time it runs it will track the last id that was seen, and start there on the next execution.

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