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Why error “Access Denied” when creating a adhoc report in JasperReports Server?

When adding new users to the JasperReports Server (v6.2), everything works fine.

The new user

  • can use predefined adhoc reports
  • can use predefined reports
  • is able to change predefined reports

But if the user tries to create a new adhoc report, he gets an error Access is denied . Unfortunately the error message (it is a very long log) doesn't show to which component or folder the access is denied.

What I tried so far:

  • Recreating the user
  • Changing rights for the Domain (tried Read-Only / Execute-Only )
  • Checked folder structure if rights are set correctly (they appear to be correct)

What am I missing?

Turns out there has been a change in the required rights for the Data Source from version 6.0.x on (comment from here ):

Appears to be a regression in 6.0.1 and at least a Read-Only permission on a Data Source is now required, while Execute-Only was sufficient in 5.5.

The adhoc creation works without a problem now.

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