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How to use flexible array members in nested C structs?

Related: flexible array member in a nested struct

I am trying to parse some data into a struct. The data contains information organized as follows:

struct unit {

    struct unit_A {
        // 28 bytes each

        // dependency r6scA 1
        char dr6scA1_tagclass[4];
        uint32_t dr6scA1_tagnamepointer;
        uint32_t dr6scA1_tagnamestringlength;
        uint32_t dr6scA1_tagid;

        // 12 bytes of 0x00


    // A strings

    struct unit_B {
        // 48 bytes each

        // dependency r6scB 1
        char dr6scB1_tagclass[4];
        uint32_t dr6scB1_tagnamepointer;
        uint32_t dr6scB1_tagnamestringlength;
        uint32_t dr6scB1_tagid;

        // 32 bytes of 0x00


    // B strings

    // unit strings


You can ignore the weird nomenclature.

My line comments // A strings , // B strings and // unit strings each contain null-terminated C strings, the numbers of which coincides with however many unit_A , unit_B , and unit struct entries there are in the data. So like if there are 5 entries of A in unit_container , then there would be 5 C strings in the location where it says // A strings .

Since I cannot use flexible array members at these locations, how should I interpret what are essentially an unknown number of variable-length C strings at these locations in the data?

For example, the data at these locations could be:

"The first entry is here.\\0Second entry\\0Another!\\0Fourth.\\0This 5th entry is the bestest entry evah by any reasonable standards.\\0"

...which I expect I should interpret as:

char unit_A_strings[]

...but this is not possible. What are my options?

Thank you for your consideration.


I think the most attractive option so far is:

char** unit_A_strings; to point to an array of char strings.

If I do: char unit_A_strings[1]; to define a char array of fixed size of 1 char, then I must abandon sizeof(unit) and such, or hassle with memory allocation sizes, even though it is most accurate to the kind of data present. The same situation occurs if I do char * unit_A_strings[1]; .

Another question: What would be the difference between using char *unit_A_strings; and char** unit_A_strings; ?


The main problem is that structs are intended for fixed-size information and what I am needing is a variable-sized information memory region. So I can't legitimately store the data into the struct -- at least not as the struct. This means that any other interpretation would be alright, and it seems to me that char** is the best available option for this struct situation.

I think it can using the char** instead (Or you can write some structure to wrapper it). for example, you can write a help function to decode you stream.

char** decodeMyStream(uint_8* stream, unsigned int* numberOfCString)
    *numberOfCString = decodeNumberOfCString(stream);
    char** cstrings = malloc((*numberOfCString) * sizeof(char*));
    unsigned int start = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < *numberOfCString; ++i)
        usigned int len = calculateIthStringLength(stream, start)
        cstrings[i] = malloc((len) * sizeof(char));
        memcpy(cstrings[i], stream + start, len); 
        start += len
    return cstrings;

it just no thinking example code, you can think out more better algorithms.

I think the closest you're going to get is by providing an array of strings:

char *AStrings[] = { "The first entry is here.",
                     "Second entry",
                     "This 5th entry is the bestest entry evah by any reasonable standards.",

Note two things:

  1. AStrings is an array of pointers-to-strings - it will be 6 (see 2. below) consecutive pointers that point to the actual strings, NOT the 'compound' string you used in your example.
  2. I ended AStrings with a NULL pointer, to resolve the "when do I finish?" question.

So you can "fall off the end" of A and start looking at locations as pointers - but be careful! The compiler may put in all sorts of padding between one variable and the next, mucking up any assumptions about where they are relative to each other in memory - including reordering them!

Edit Oh! I just had a thought. Another data representation that may help is essentially what you did. I've 'prettied' it up a bit:

char AString[] = "The first entry is here.\0"
                 "Second entry\0"
                 "This 5th entry is the bestest entry evah by any reasonable standards.\0";
  • The C compiler will automatically concatenate two 'adjacent' strings as though they were one string - with no NUL character between them. I put them in specifically above.
  • The C compiler will automatically put a '\\0' at the end of any string - at the semicolon ( ; ) in the above example. That means that the string actually ends with two NUL characters, not one.

You can use that fact to keep track of where you are while parsing the string 'array' - assuming that every desired value has a (sub)string of more than zero length! As soon as you encounter a zero-length (sub)string, you know you've reached the end of the string 'array'.

I call these kind of strings ASCIIZZ strings (ASCIIZ strings with a second NUL at the end of all of them).

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