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How can I format big numbers with toLocaleString?

I need to format really big numbers to billions or millions like this:

$ 100.00 B or $90.00 M

// this is my code so far:

var currency = doc.stock.exchange.currency; //this is how I get the currency
  var formatNumberNat = val.toLocaleString(
    'en-US', {
      style: 'currency',
      currency: currency
return formatNumberNat; /* €90,102,409,320.00 */
function nFormatter(num, digits) {
  var si = [
    { value: 1E18, symbol: "E" },
    { value: 1E15, symbol: "P" },
    { value: 1E12, symbol: "T" },
    { value: 1E9,  symbol: "G" },
    { value: 1E6,  symbol: "M" },
    { value: 1E3,  symbol: "k" }
  ], i;
  for (i = 0; i < si.length; i++) {
    if (num >= si[i].value) {
      return (num / si[i].value).toFixed(digits).replace(/\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/, "$1") + si[i].symbol;
  return num.toString();
console.log(nFormatter(123, 1));       // 123
console.log(nFormatter(1234, 1));      // 1.2k
console.log(nFormatter(100000000, 1)); // 100M
console.log(nFormatter(299792458, 1)); // 299.8M
console.log(nFormatter(759878, 1));    // 759.9k
console.log(nFormatter(759878, 0));    // 760k

How to format a number as 2.5K if a thousand or more, otherwise 900 in javascript?

You can use a function like this one to wrap toLocaleString :

const currencyToString = (
  num, {
    locale = "en-US",
    currency = "USD",
    minimumFractionDigits = 2,
) => {
  if (num == null || typeof num !== "number") {
    // null, undefined, non-numeric, return what was provided
    return num;

  let format;
  if (abbreviationFormats != null) {
    // formats were provided, find one that works
    format = abbreviationFormats.find(f => num >= f.value);

  if (format != null) {
    // apply the format, insert the symbol next to the numeric portion of the formatted string
    const {
    } = format;
    const formatted = (num / value).toLocaleString(locale, {
      style: "currency",
    const parts = formatted.match(/([\D]*)([\d.,]+)([\D]*)/)
    return `${parts[1]}${parts[2]}${symbol}${parts[3]}`

  // otherwise, use the number as provided
  return num.toLocaleString(locale, {
    style: "currency",

This will accept an optional structure of formats that can be used to abbreviate large numbers:

const formats = [
  { value: 1e12, symbol: "T" },
  { value: 1e9, symbol: "B" },
  { value: 1e6, symbol: "M" },
  { value: 1e3, symbol: "K" }  

Here is a codesandbox with a lot of tests with a few combinations of locale and currency .

You can use a function like this:

function formatB(n) {
    if (n > 999999999) 
        return "$" + (n/1000000000).toFixed(2) + "B";
    else if(n > 999999)
        return "$" + (n/1000000).toFixed(2) + "M";
        return n;

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