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Cannot read file data from jsp file on remote server

My dynamic web project has following structure.

WebContent/WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp. I'm trying to access file.txt from my jsp file and display content from that file. file.txt is in WebContent/resources folder.

I'm using,

String jspPath = session.getServletContext().getRealPath("/resources"); jspPath = jspPath.replace("\\\\", "/"); String fileName = "/file.txt"; String txtFilePath = jspPath + fileName;

After opening file, code to display content.

It is working on localhost but when I upload it online, it is not displaying content from text file on jsp page.

I'm not getting why it is not working, I think filepath might be a problem because it was throwing FileNotFoundException but I fixed it by making few changes. Now it is not displaying content. Can someone please help? I'm uisng openshift deployment platform for .war file.

Actually , your above JSP page will never be executed because it is in the WEB-INF folder which is not accessible for the end users, so make sure to put your JSP's out of WEB-INF.
For reading the file , you can load and print the file in simpler way:

<%@page import="java.io.*"%>
InputStream in=config.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/resources/hello.txt");
int ch;

Since the above method of calling getRealPath will not work with application servers using virtual file-systems like JBoss.

Note: for better performance , you can use other methods of reading files to include(eg Buffering and caching), but this will be out of the scope of this question.

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