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Firebase - Object.key returns undefined

I want to order the query based on multiple values. The problem is, that I can't select the objects key type because I get undefined when I do so.

var filterDataAccordingToDate = function(ref, startTime, endTime, travelType) {

            .once('value', function(snapshot) {
                var travel = snapshot.val();

                console.log("TRAVEL OBJ: " + util.inspect(travel, false, null));
                console.log("TRAVEL TYPE: " + travel.type);

                if (travel.type == travelType) {
                    // DO STUFF


The first console.log() returns the correct object:

  "-KKiZKAVH0-QulKnThhF" : {
    "date" : 1466439009,
    "dest" : 1,
    "fbKey" : "-KKiZKAVH0-QulKnThhF",
    "type" : 1

The second one: TRAVEL TYPE: undefined

Any idea, where I made a mistake?

Use the .forEach() method on DataSnapshot

snapshot.forEach(function(snap) {
  var key = snap.key;
  if (key === travelType) {
    // Do stuff

Since you will be retrieving multiple objects you need to iterate over them to get the values for each one.

for (var key in travel) {
      console.log("TRAVEL OBJ: " + util.inspect(travel[key], false, null));
      console.log("TRAVEL TYPE: " + travel[key].type);

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