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Add a CSS class to single code chunks in RMarkdown

Is it possible to add a CSS class to a certain code chunk?

Assume the following file:

title: "Untitled"
output: html_document

```{r cars}

I want to give the chunk labeled 'cars' a certain CSS class, eg .myClass . Is there any possibility like

```{r cars} {.myClass}

or so? I am aware of hacks like wrapping the whole chunk in another <div> . I am interested in a straight forward solution.

Edit: this feature was introduced in knitr v.1.16 (05/18/17)
class.source and class.output options apply additional HTML classes to source and output chunks (see knitr documentation ).
To add myClass to source chunk:

```{r cars, class.source='myClass'}

Previous answer that inspired the class.source options (see here )
You can add a class using the fenced_code_attributes pandoc's extension (which is intended to add attributes to the <pre> tag, see here ) and a knitr output hook .

The following example works fine:

title: "Untitled"
      md_extensions: +fenced_code_attributes

```{r, include=FALSE}
knitr::knit_hooks$set(source = function(x, options) {
      paste0(" .", gsub(" ", " .", options$class))

```{r cars, class="myClass1 myClass2"}

After knitting this .Rmd file, the HTML document looks like this:

<pre class="r myClass1 myClass2">

The fenced_code_attributes extension is enabled by default: in standard cases, you don't need to include the line md_extensions: +fenced_code_attributes in your YAML header.

I don't know if there's more straightforward solution using knitr .

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