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Strange code generated by 64-bit compiler when calling malloc in Visual Studio 2013

The following C code will result in passing 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to malloc() instead of the expected 0, when compiled for x64 by Visual Studio 2013:

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int x = -1;
    void *p = malloc(x + 1);

Opening the disassembly view reveals this strange snippet (Debug configuration, although Release is functionally the same):

; int x = -1;
mov         dword ptr [x],0FFFFFFFFh  
; void *p = malloc(x + 1);
mov         eax,dword ptr [x]  
add         eax,1  
mov         eax,eax  
mov         rcx,0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh  
cmovb       rax,rcx  
mov         rcx,rax  
call        qword ptr [__imp_malloc (07F79C80B228h)]  
mov         qword ptr [p],rax

Casting to size_t won't change anything, but storing the result to a temporary variable and then passing that to malloc() will.

Strangely, this does not happen when calling any other function similarly declared:

void * __cdecl foo(size_t y) {
    return NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int x = -1;
    void *p = foo(x + 1);

In this case, the correct code is generated (note the missing cmovb stuff):

; int x = -1;
mov         dword ptr [x],0FFFFFFFFh  
; void *p = foo(x + 1);
mov         eax,dword ptr [x]  
inc         eax  
mov         rcx,rax  
call        foo (07F6AB84100Ah)  
mov         qword ptr [p],rax

I hesitate to call this a code generation bug. I must assume it's something I'm missing. However, I've never seen this before and it certainly produces incorrect behavior.

Why is this happening?

It's a safeguard against integer overflow (as referenced in the comments here ).

If the value passed to malloc is the result of an integer overflow (signed or unsigned), rather than letting the program allocate less memory than the compiler thinks it expected, it maxes out the expression and attempts to allocate that.

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