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Combine 2 CSV files into one using PHP

I have two CSV files. They have same number of columns but can have different rows. I just need to combine all 10 csv files into one master csv file such that the total number of rows add up.

File 1:

John Andy 10 20
Adam Sam 15 25

File 2:

Sam Eric 34 40
Ryan Rob 15 22

Final csv file:

John Andy 10 20
Adam Sam 15 25
Sam Eric 34 40
Ryan Rob 15 22

You can do this with str_getcsv() ( http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-getcsv.php )

$file1 = str_getcsv('my_file1.csv'); $file2 = str_getcsv('my_file2.csv');

Then combine the arrays:

$allfiles = $file1 + $file2 + $file3 [...] $allfiles = array_merge($file1, $file2 [...])

array_merge() will actually re-index them, just combining them ( $file1 + $file2 ) will simply append them.

Here's the documentation on array_merge() :


Finally, once you have your $allfiles variable, you can output it via fputcsv() :


If your files are massive, you'll likely want a different solution. This will (unnecessarily) take up a large amount of memory by placing each file into a variable (then placing them all into one). The solution to that would be to use a pointer, where you'd never really load more than a line into memory at a time.

However, if your files are small, this may work just fine.

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