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Unit test for Runnable

I have the following code:

public class TypesEngine
void types(@NonNull final FindTypes findTypes, @NonNull final List<String> types)
    final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(TYPES_NUMBER_OF_THREADS);

    for (final String type : types)
        executorService.execute(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                catch (final TypeNotFound e)
                            "Caught TypeNotFound for type [%s].",

I tried to the following unit test:

public void test_Types() throws Exception
    final List<String> types = Lists.newArrayList("type1","type2","type3");

    doAnswer(new Answer() {
        public Object answer(final InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            throw new TypeNotFound();

    typesEngine.types(findTypes, types);

    for(final String type : types)
        verify(findTypes, times(1)).getRelatedInformation(type);

But it always gives me the error that the verify method on is not being called. But if I add a system.out.println I can see that the different types are being called.

It would be great if anyone could tell me how to write the following unit test.

I'm using Mockito for my unit tests.

You're verifying that findTypes has been called immediately after the tasks have been submitted to the executor. The executor hasn't had the time to execute its tasks yet.

Since you have no way with that design to block until the tasks have completed, you need to sleep long enough before verifying. A more reliable way of doing it would be to pass your executor service as argument, and call awaitTermination() to block until the executor is done, rather than sleeping.

Also, you can use doThrow() rather than doAnswer()

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