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How to delete an event in vtiger using REST APIs and where to get WEBSERVICE_ID from?

I want to delete an event in Vtiger Calendar using REST APIs. I'm trying the following:

POST /webservice.php HTTP/1.1
sessionName=sessionId    // Obtained through Login Operation

but I don't know what WEBSERVICE_ID is and where to find it.

When I create an event using REST-API it returns an array with the following data:

{"subject":"Follow up Test","assigned_user_id":"49x1","date_start":"2016-06-17","time_start":"09:00:00","time_end":"18:00:00","due_date":"2016-06-17","recurringtype":"","parent_id":"","contact_id":"","taskstatus":"","eventstatus":"Planned","taskpriority":"High","sendnotification":"0","createdtime":"2016-06-23 11:18:20","modifiedtime":"2016-06-23 11:18:20","activitytype":"Event","visibility":"","duration_hours":"9","duration_minutes":"0","location":"","notime":"0","modifiedby":"49x1","created_user_id":"49x1","source":"WEBSERVICE","starred":"0","tags":"","reminder_time":"","description":"Test Description","id":"1x5748","label":"Follow up Test"}

There is an id in the array ("id":"1x5748"), but when I try to use the id as a WEBSERVICE_ID in the delete operation I'm getting the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error: Id specified is incorrect'

  1. Run this query: SELECT id, nameFROM vtiger_ws_entity Whith this your objectTypeId is a id for module

  2. Get the record id

  3. concatenate 1And2 for example: EVENTS module='18' AND record id=61900 , then the ID that you need is: 18x61900;

  4. I use this code for delete entity

     $params = array( //"id" => "35789", "id" => "18x61900", ); $record = $client->doInvoke("delete", $params, "POST"); 

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