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Append text to file with new line c++

I want to append a text from file. I already done to append a text to a new file but the text can not enter the new line. This is my code :

ofstream data_ip_list;
data_ip_list.open("data_ip_list.txt", std::ios_base::app);

    ifstream fileinput("ip_a.txt");
        for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            fileinput >> str1[i];
            data_ip_list << str1[i] ;

the result :

how to make this to :

sorry for my bad english

Simply use a newline character '\\n' .

ofstream data_ip_list;
data_ip_list.open("data_ip_list.txt", std::ios_base::app);

ifstream fileinput("ip_a.txt");
    for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        fileinput >> str1[i];
        data_ip_list << str1[i] << '\n';

You can use either std::endl or '\\n' to add the newline

data_ip_list << std::endl;
// or
data_ip_list << '\n';

But std::endl flush the output buffer, which may be a little slower than '\\n' .

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