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Why time complexity of following code is O(n^2)?

void level_order_recursive(struct node *t , int h) //'h' is height of my binary tree
{                                                 //'t' is address of root node
    for(int i = 0 ; i <= h ; i++)  
        print_level(t , i);

After print_level() is called everytime , I think recursive function is called (2^i) times . So 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 ....2^h should give time complexity of O(2^n).Where am I going wrong ?

void print_level(struct node * t , int i)
    if( i == 0)
        cout << t -> data <<" ";
            if(t -> left != NULL)
                print_level(t -> left , i - 1);   //recursive call
            if(t -> right != NULL)
                print_level(t -> right , i - 1); //recursive call

You are confusing h and n. h is the height of the tree. n is apparently the number of elements in the tree. So print_level takes worst case O ($2^i), but that is also just n.

The worst case happens when you have a degenerate tree, where each node has only one successor. In that case you have n nodes, but the height of the tree is also h = n. Each call to print_level takes i steps in that case, and summing up i from 1 to h = n gives O ($n^2).

You always start at the root of the tree t and increase the level by one each time ( i ) until you reach the height of the tree h .

You said it is a binary tree, but you did not mention any property, eg balanced or so. So I assume it can be an unbalanced binary tree and thus the height of the tree in worst case can be h = n where n is the number of nodes (that is a completely unbalanced tree that looks like a list actually).

So this means that level_order_recursive loops n times. Ie the worst case is that the tree has n levels.

print_level receives the root node and the level to print. And it calls itself recursively until it reaches the level and prints out that level.
Ie it loops i times (a recursive call decreases i by one each time).

So you have 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + h iterations. And since h = n you get 1 + 2 + 3 ... + n steps. This is (n * (n+1))/2 (Gaussian sum formula) which is in O(n^2) .

If you can assure that the tree is balanced than you would improve the worst case scenario, because the height would be h = ld(n) where ld denotes the binary logarithm.

Based on this or that , pages 3 and 4, binary search algorithm, which resembles our case, has a time complexity of T(n) = T(n/2) + c . Except that, both left and right sub-trees are browsed, hence the 2T(n/2) in the formula below, since this is a traversal algorithm, rather than a search one.

Here, I will comply to the question and use 'h' instead of 'n'.

Using recurrence relation, you get the following proof:


在最坏的情况下,时间复杂度将是O(n ^ 2)但不能是2 ^ n,因为每个级别的时间复杂度将是 - > O(n)+ O(n-1)+ O(n-2)+ ... + O(1)最差O(n ^ 2)。

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