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How to stop infinite pattern-matching in Haskell?

I am doing Exercise 3 from Homework 2 in http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~cis194/spring13/lectures.html

build :: [LogMessage] -> MessageTree
build [x] = Node Leaf x Leaf
build [x,y] = Node (build [x]) y Leaf
build [x,y,z] = Node (Node (build [x]) y Leaf) z Leaf

I have a problem where I do not know how to end the pattern matching. It would just keep expanding to [x,y,z,_] and then [x,y,z,_,_] and so on. How do I stop this?

When you are working with functions that take in lists, you will often want to work with recursion and list element functions.

Let's take a look at what you have so far.

On the fourth line, you have build evaluate to the following when it receives a list with three elements:

build [x,y,z] = Node (Node (build [x]) y Leaf) z Leaf

On the third line, you have build evaluates as follows when it receives a list of two elements:

build [x,y] = Node (build [x]) y Leaf

If you look at those two lines, you can notice that there is a bit of repetition. Specifically both contain Node (build [x]) y Leaf . When there is repetition like this, recursion can help.

Using recursion, you can replace that repetition with a recursive call of the build function with a list of two elements. For example, you could replace line four with:

build [x,y,z] = Node (build [x,y]) z Leaf

That makes it a little bit simpler, but it doesn't yet solve the problem.

build :: [LogMessage] -> MessageTree
build [x] = Node Leaf x Leaf
build [x,y] = Node (build [x]) y Leaf
build [x,y,z] = Node (build [x,y]) z Leaf

If you take a look at the new function, you can see that some of the constants that we are using could be replaced by using list element functions, like head , tail , last , and init .

In each pattern of the function we only treat the last element of the list separately. The non-last elements are then passed back into build . Thus we can get rid of some of the pattern matching by using last to access the last element of the list, and init to get all of the elements except for the last element.

build :: [LogMessage] -> MessageTree
build [x] = Node Leaf x Leaf
build l = Node (build (init l)) (last l) Leaf

By working with general list elements using init and last , instead of working with explicitly specified elements of a list, we can remove the need for infinite pattern matching.

Rewrite your code in forward-calculating, accumulative style:

build [x] = go Leaf [x]
  go tree (x:xs) = go (Node tree x Leaf) xs  -- build up ("accumulate") the tree 
  go tree []     = tree                      -- and reduce the list until empty

build [x,y] = go (Node Leaf x Leaf) [y]      -- can we use another, simpler 
  where                                      --   initial accumulator value?
  go tree (x:xs) = go (Node tree x Leaf) xs
  go tree []     = tree


Can you simplify this now? Do you notice the similarity here? Can build be called with a list of any length, ie matching the (x:xs) pattern?

You might like the pattern x:xs , which matches any (non-empty) list, binding x to the first element and xs to the remaining elements. It is commonly used in conjunction with a recursive definition to inspect each element of a list in turn, no matter how long the list is.

If you want to match lists longer than, say, three elements, the pattern can be extended to x:y:z:rest ; in this case, x , y , and z will be bound to the first three elements of the list, and rest will be bound to the remaining elements.

You need to write this function recursively, by finding a way to make one complicated case solvable in terms of a simpler case. Because what you are pattern-matching is a list, you will use the (x:xs) pattern, to break a list down into its head and its tail. Something like this:

build :: [LogMessage] -> MessageTree
build [] = ... -- remember lists can be empty!
build [x] = Node Leaf x Leaf
build (x:xs) = -- something to do with build [x] and xs

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