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How can i send data from chrome extension to localhost?

I am creating a google chrome extension to read my History of browser. All works done. Now i am willing to send the retrieved history data to my localhost server . Is this possible? How to do this? Please anyone help me.

Thanks in advance.

Simply post your data to localhost server.

Just remember to add permission in manifest.json.

    "manifest_version": 1,      
    "name": "Your Extension",

    "permissions": [

Second version would be via app network in Chrome https://developer.chrome.com/apps/app_network

But this requires more low level programming.

The basic steps (sample code contained in the following links) would be:

  1. Add your local server url to permissions field in manifest.json
  2. Use Ajax , Websocket , Nativemessaging (You would need nativeMessaging permission instead), or any other communication method to exchange data between extension and your local server.

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