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Collision detection in javascript

I am implementing a custom space invader like in HTML/javascript. So far everything works fine but collision detection seems to be a problem. After looking for a couple of solutions online, here is what I have so far.

My enemies are represented in an array like this:

function Logo(I){
    I = I || {};
    I.sprite = new Image();
    I.active = true;

    I.width = 25;
    I.height = 25;

    I.explode = function(){
        this.active = false;

    I.draw = function(){

    I.setRes = function(name){
        this.sprite.src = name;

    return I;

which is populated like this:

var logoArray = [];
            x: logoData[i].x,
            y: logoData[i].y
        logoArray[i].setRes("./graphics/logo_slices/logo_" + logoData[i].name + ".png");

The collision are handled like this (enemy.explode do a this.active = false):

function handleCollision(){
    playerBullets.forEach(function(bullet) {
       logoArray.forEach(function(enemy) {
          if (isCollide(bullet, enemy)) {
            bullet.active = false;

function isCollide(a, b) {
  return a.x < b.x + b.width &&
         a.x + a.width > b.x &&
         a.y < b.y + b.height &&
         a.y + a.height > b.y;

The problem is that it makes inactive everything that is to the left of the impact point. I understand that it is quite hard to depict my problem so happy to clarify.

The draw function filters to draw only the active elements of the array:


Thanks for any help you can give!

Regarding your collision logic, i would take the opposite approach:

Take the 4 cases that define a not collide and negate them. being above, being below, being besides to left / right. not being either of these 4 makes it necessarily a collision.

Just as i guess this is the reason. The rest of your "engine" looks reasonable and should work.

collide = 

!(a.x + a.width < b.x ||
  a.x > b.x + b.width ||

  a.y + a.height < b.y||
  a.y > b.y + b.height )

Additionally you could define a radius per entity that participates in the collisions and use a intersection via the radius. Of course then you need the center of the entities for this to work.

Edit: For more details and elaborate example of different Collision Detection approaches in JS, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/2D_collision_detection .

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