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How to clean ConcurrentHashMap in thread safe way

I have a ConcurrentHashMap oricginalCahce in which mulptile threads are writing concurrently from many places of the code. I have to flush the map periodically so I do below I create a temporary copy of Map and clean the origianl Map

void flushcopyOfOriginalCache(String queueName) {
        Map<Integer, Date> copyOfOriginalCache = null;
        Object lock = getLastscheduledTimeUpdateLock(queueName);
        //this lock is not aquired at the time of writing as the writing in taking place in many places of the code
        synchronized (lock) {
        //rechecking for whether expired or not
            if (isOrigCacheExpired(queueName)) {
                log.info("origCache Expired for queue {}", queueName);
                if (orignalCache.containsKey(queueName)) {
                    copyOfOriginalCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(
                    //How safe is below clean ??? as parallel writes might be going on orignalCache!


        if (copyOfOriginalCache == null || copyOfOriginalCache.isEmpty()) {
        //Below is expenssive DB operations on with data in copyOfOriginalCache  


How to make sure that this clean method should not delete entries which is par alley being written. Please guide.

For a ConcurrentHashMap you can use computeIfPresent, with a predicate canDeleted(Value v)

concurrentHashmap.forEach((key, value) -> 
    concurrentHashmap.computeIfPresent(key, (t, s) -> (canDeleted(s) ? null : s)))

this is threadsafe and easy to implement.

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