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Insert many rows from a table into one unique row in another table

I have a table named order where there is set a column name list

TABLE list
id |  list      | price    | date
1  | Cigar      |  5.00    | 2016-06-30
2  | Beer       |  6.00    | 2016-06-30
3  | Whiskey    |  20.00   | 2016-06-30
4  | Bacon      |  10.00   | 2016-06-30

I'd like to insert the list into another table named confirmation in a way that all of them could be in a same row! However, it doesn't work and is inserting in many rows!

The way I want

TABLE confirmation
id |            theorder             
1  | Cigar, Beer, Whiskey, Bacon

The way is showing

TABLE confirmation
id |  theorder      
1  | Cigar,
2  | Beer,
3  | Whiskey,
4  | Bacon,

Here is the code: I'm working with foreach!

$sql     = "SELECT list FROM order";
$result  = $conn->query($sql);
$getList = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

foreach($getOrder as $order) {
  $products = $order['theorder'] . ', ';
  $sql      = "INSERT INTO confirmation (theorder) VALUES ('$products')";
  $result   = $conn->query($sql);

Every time you perform an INSERT query it creates a new row. Since you're doing this in a loop, it creates a new row for each product.

If you want to combine items, use GROUP_CONCAT :

INSERT INTO confirmation (theorder)
FROM `order`

Notice that you need to quote the table name order with backticks because it's a reserved word. It's generally best to avoid using reserved words as table and column names, since if you forget to quote it you'll get a confusing syntax error. See Syntax error due to using a reserved word as a table or column name in MySQL

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