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pandas DataFrame to dict with values as tuples

I have a DataFrame as follows:

In [23]: df = pandas.DataFrame({'Initial': ['C','A','M'], 'Sex': ['M', 'F', 'F'], 'Age': [49, 39, 19]})
         df = df[['Initial', 'Sex', 'Age']]

  Initial Sex  Age
0       C   M   49
1       A   F   39
2       M   F   19

My goal is to create a dict like this:

{'C': ('49', 'M'), 'A': ('39', 'F'), 'M': ('19', 'F')}

Currently, I'm doing it like this:

In [24]: members = df.set_index('FirstName', drop=True).to_dict('index')

Out[24]: {'C': {'Age': '49', 'Sex': 'M'}, 'A': {'Age': '39', 'Sex': 'F'}, 'M': {'Age': '19', 'Sex': 'F'}}

Then I use a dict comprehrension to format the values of the keys as tuples instead of dicts:

In [24]: members= {x: tuple(y.values()) for x, y in members.items()}

Out[24]: {'C': ('49', 'M'), 'A': ('39', 'F'), 'M': ('19', 'F')}

My question is: is there a way to get a dict in the format I want from a pandas DataFrame without incurring the additional overheard of the dict comprehension?

This should work:

df.set_index('Initial')[['Age', 'Sex']].T.apply(tuple).to_dict()

{'A': (39, 'F'), 'C': (49, 'M'), 'M': (19, 'F')}

If lists instead of tuples are okay, then you could use:

In [45]: df.set_index('Initial')[['Age','Sex']].T.to_dict('list')
Out[45]: {'A': [39, 'F'], 'C': [49, 'M'], 'M': [19, 'F']}

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