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Why strpos PHP not work with fsockopen response?

Why strpos PHP not work with fsockopen response ?

When load this code. This code will be requests sdgsgsdgsfsdfsd.ca to whois.cira.ca server and find text Domain status: available with strpos PHP if found it's will be echo


but if not found text. It's will be echo


In this case found text but still echo


How can i do ?

$server = "whois.cira.ca";
$response = "Domain status: available";

function checkDomain($domain_check,$server,$findText)
    $con = fsockopen($server, 43);
    if (!$con) return false;
    fputs($con, $domain_check."\r\n");
    $response = ' :';
        $response .= fgets($con,128); 
    echo $response."<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>";
    if (strpos($response, $findText))
        return true;
        return false; 

function showDomainResult($domain_check,$server,$findText)
    if (checkDomain($domain_check,$server,$findText))
        class Emp 
            public $domain = "";
            public $availability = "";
        $e = new Emp();
        $e->domain = $domain_check;
        $e->availability = "available";
        echo json_encode($e);
        class Emp 
            public $domain = "";
            public $availability = "";
        $e = new Emp();
        $e->domain = $domain_check;
        $e->availability = "TAKEN";
        echo json_encode($e);

you're using strpos wrong, if the string START with what you're searching for, it will return int(0), which is "kinda false" by PHP's definition. explicitly check for false , like this

return false!==strpos($response, $findText);

and make sure you're using !== not !=

and as a rule of thumb, never use loose comparison operators in PHP if you can avoid it, hilarious bugs can occur if you do: https://3v4l.org/tT4l8

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