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Why does strpos not work here?

Im making a function that checks if a certain username in the process of registration contains certain characters that I dont want the users to have in their username. And it echoes the user what characters they can use.

public function checkUsername($username){       
        $exceptions= "!@~`#$%^&*()+=/\,;:[]{  }|?,<>"
this is line 26 from the error ->if(strpos($username, $exceptions) !=== false ){
        //here it means that something was found
            echo "Cannot contain special characters except - and _ .";
            return false;
        }//since it returns false, nothing after this gets executed.
    if(strlen($username) < 6){
        echo "Username must be at least 6 characters long to register.";
        return false;
    $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT username FROM users WHERE BINARY username = ? ");
    if($stmt->rowCount() == 1){
        echo "Sorry username already exists";     
        return false;
    } else{
        return true;
}//end of checkUsername

It gives me a Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF on line 26.

Usually errors like this happen one line above and not on the actual line number itself.

Seems you don't have a closing semi-colon in

$exceptions= "!@~`#$%^&*()+=/\,;:[]{  }|?,<>"

Replace it with

$exceptions= "!@~`#$%^&*()+=/\,;:[]{  }|?,<>";


$exceptions= "!@~`#$%^&*()+=/\,;:[]{  }|?,<>";


Quite a few things are broken here.

First of all, strpos matches a whole string, not any included character. You want to use preg_match here

Secondly, your comparator should be !== false, not !=== false, but by using preg_match, you won't need it.

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