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How to iterate visible rows alone using UFT

when i iterate this below webtable,i am getting row count as 3(with hidden row). but i can see only 2 rows in my application. i can get row count with help of descriptive programming,but i want to iterate only the rows which are visible.

  <tr class="show">Name</tr>
  <tr class="hide">Ticket</tr>
  <tr class="show">city</tr>

i have tried this below code,but its displays hidden row text as well,

for i=1 to rowcount
  print oWebtable.getcelldata(i,2)

Actual Output - Name, Ticket, city

expecting output - Name, city

UFT has no way knowledge of your show/hide class names. If you want to filter out some rows you need to do it yourself.

Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("html tag").Value = "TR"
desc("class").Value = "show"

Set cells = oWebtable.ChildObjects(desc)
Print "Count: " & cells.Count
For i = 0 To cells.Count - 1
    Print i & ": " & cells(i).GetROProperty("inner_text")

Note that I had to add TD elements to your table in order for this to work since it's invalid HTML to have text in a TR element.

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