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Multiple forms on page with jquery unobtrusive validation in ASP.NET MVC

JQuery unobtrusive validation seems to work based on the model passed to the page - but what if I want to have more than one model in play?

Let's say "MyPage" has two forms, each posting back to a different Action, with a different model


public class MyPageModel
    public List<Student> Students { get; set; }
    public List<Prof> Profs { get; set; }
    public string Student { get; set; } // wrong wrong wrong
    public string Prof { get; set; } // so wrong. this can't be the way

public class AddStudentModel 
    public string Student { get; set; }

public class AddProfModel 
    public string Prof { get; set; }


// MyPage!

// list students here

@using (Html.BeginForm("AddStudent", "Controller", new { }, FormMethod.Post))
     @Html.TextBox("Student", null, new { })
     <input type="submit" value="add student" />

// list professors here

@using (Html.BeginForm("AddProf", "Controller", new { }, FormMethod.Post))
     @Html.TextBox("Prof", null, new { })
     <input type="submit" value="add prof" />


public ActionResult MyPage()
    MyPageModel model = new MyPageModel(); 
    // bind data here
    return View(model);

public ActionResult AddStudent(AddStudentModel model)
    // add student
    return RedirectToAction("MyPage");

public ActionResult AddProf(AddProfModel model)
    // add professor
    return RedirectToAction("MyPage");

Up to now I've been adding empty Student / Prof properties to MyPageModel , but this feels very hacky. Is there a way to specify a model in the Html.BeginForm that jquery validation will use?

You could use child actions for this, and remove your extra properties from your MyPageModel:

public ActionResult MyPage()
    MyPageModel model = new MyPageModel(); 
    // bind data here
    return View(model);

public ActionResult AddStudent()
    return PartialView(new AddStudentModel());

public ActionResult AddStudent(AddStudentModel model)
    //add student
    return RedirectToAction("MyPage");

Current MyPage:

@Html.Action("AddStudent", "SomeController")

@Html.Action("AddProf", "SomeController")

New view returned by new child action.


@using (Html.BeginForm())
     @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Student)
     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Student)
     <input type="submit" value="add student" />

To make this a slick solution, it might be worth taking a look at Ajax.BeginForm as it'll allow you to update a form at a time on the page (and return a partial view as a reponse so a form submission doesn't need to refresh the whole page).

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