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ASP.NET MVC unobtrusive jquery localization

How can I localize localize error messages without specifying them on DataAnnotations for models? Eg in message "The field XX is required", I want to translate only "The field --is required" part with jQuery globalization , I'm not using [Required(ErrorMessageResourceName="----")] attributes.

Is it possible to achieve this? Any code samples, tutorial links will be appreciated.

You can try the following approach:

[Display(Name = "FirstName", ResourceType = typeof(Resources.Resources))] 
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "ErrorRequired")]
public string FirstName {get;set;}

Then in your Resource file you add key:

FirstName and translate e.g. with "first name"
ErrorRequired --> "{0} field is required"

This approach you can then apply to all your properties.

You can find the answer for jquery based resource location which I have developed. Very useful plugin. Please see the answer posted here https://stackoverflow.com/a/30610862/1239344

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