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SCIP and Visual Studi: error LNK2019

I want to solve the n-queens problem using SCIP (version 3.2.1) in Visual Studio 2010 (version 10.0.40219.1).

Source files can be found here: http://scip.zib.de/download/files/Queens.tgz
I did not write any code myself, but just included queens.hpp, scip_exceptions.hpp, queens.cpp and queens_main.cpp in my VS project.

In the project properties I did the following:
C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories -> C:\\scipoptsuite-3.2.1\\scip-3.2.1\\src\\ .

When building, I get errors like:

 LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SCIPaddCons referenced in function "public: __thiscall cipexamples::QueensSolver::QueensSolver(unsigned int)"

I understand that I will have to link SCIP libraries to my project? But I do not know which ones and where to find them?

You need to compile the SCIP Optimization Suite first to obtain the libscipopt that you need to link to your project. It will contain everything necessary to work with SCIP.

Alternatively, you may also just use the precompiled dlls from the webpage: http://scip.zib.de/#download

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