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How to use async and await in LINQ?

I'm new to ASP.NET and was trying to work on a sample project. I know this is a silly qs but please bear with me. My code below is returning only one result even when there are multiple rows returned in the SQL query. I realize that FirstOrDefaultAsync returns only the first element. I was going through the documentation here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.entity.queryableextensions(v=vs.113).aspx but I couldn't find what to use instead of FirstOrDefaultAsync that would return not just the first row but everything that matches my SQL condition.

This is my code so far:

    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetRegion(int id)

        var region_id = from sr in db.ServiceToRegions
                           where sr.Service_ID == id
                           select sr.Region_ID;

        var region = await db.Regions.Select(r =>
                Region_ID = r.Region_ID,
                Region_Name = r.Region_Name
            }).FirstOrDefaultAsync(r => region_id.Contains(r.Region_ID)); //QQQ

        if (region == null)
            return NotFound();

        return Ok(region);

What should I be using instead of FirstOrDefaultAsync?

You should use ToListAsync() after Where:

var region = await db.Regions
    .Select(r =>
        new Region
            Region_ID = r.Region_ID,
            Region_Name = r.Region_Name
    .Where(r => region_id.Contains(r.Region_ID))


Note "new Region" to solve your anonymous type problem for serialization (I cannot comment on Scott's answer).


Because you try to partially load a model (only 2 properties), you need to use a ViewModel like this:

public class RegionVM
    public int Region_ID { get; set; }
    public string Region_Name { get; set; }

Then change your code for this:

var region = await db.Regions
    .Select(r =>
        new RegionVM
            Region_ID = r.Region_ID,
            Region_Name = r.Region_Name
    .Where(r => region_id.Contains(r.Region_ID))

Don't forget to update your response type!

You could replace the FirstOrDefaultAsync with a combination of a Where and a ToListAsync()

var region = await db.Regions.Select(r =>
            Region_ID = r.Region_ID,
            Region_Name = r.Region_Name
        }).Where(r => region_id.Contains(r.Region_ID)).ToListAsync();

This will return a List<someAnnonamousType> .

In that case you want all records, you should remove the call to FirstOrDefaultAsync() which will return you IEnumerable<anonymoustype> like below. You can include the condition using Where() LINQ extension method

    var region = await db.Regions                      
                  .Select(r =>
                         Region_ID = r.Region_ID,
                         Region_Name = r.Region_Name
                       }).Where(r => region_id.Contains(r.Region_ID));

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