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Exception when calling SDL_RenderCopy

I'm relatively new to C++ and I am learning it using SDL 2.0. I have encountered the following error when trying to draw a sprite using my Sprite class:

Exception thrown at 0x000000006C793659 (SDL2.dll) in SDDDDL2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

The following code is a stripped down version of the involved code in my Sprite class:

SDL_Texture *image = NULL;
SDL_Rect rect;

void SetTexture(SDL_Texture *texture) 
    image = texture;
    rect.x = 100; rect.y = 100; rect.w = 64; rect.h = 64;

void DrawSprite(SDL_Renderer *renderer) 
    SDL_RenderCopy(renderer,image,NULL,&rect); //Calling this causes the

And the key code in my main game class "Game.cpp"

Sprite *testSprite = NULL;
SDL_Texture *testTex = NULL;

void LoadContent() 
    SDL_Surface *bmpSurface = SDL_LoadBMP("sprite.bmp");
    testTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, bmpSurface);
    testSprite = &Sprite(Vector2(100,100),Vector2(50,50)); // Just the 
    //constuctor, this is not affecting the issue

void Draw () 
    testSprite->DrawSprite(renderer); // Get the error when calling this

I know through testing that it is indeed the texture being passed into the SDL_RenderCopy function ( image ) that is causing the issue, as this does not happen if I call the function in Game.cpp file using the "testTex" image.

I also know that the texture used in the SDL_RenderCopy function is not NULL , as I used null checks before calling SDL_RenderCopy, and it called anyway.

I think the problem lies in this line: testSprite = &Sprite(Vector2(100,100), Vector2(50,50));

The address value that testSprite gets assigned is invalid as soon as LoadContent() returns.

Replace it with eg testSprite = new Sprite(Vector2(100,100),Vector2(50,50)); and re-run.

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