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RegEx to match 2 or more digits in a string

Suppose I have strings like:


I need to grab the number at the end. That number might be 2, 3 or 4 digits. But currently what I have is:


Which of course also grabs the '7' in 'W7P' which I don't want. EDIT:

I also need to match something like this:


So always a 2, 3 or 4 (or 5) digit number, but I need single digits excluded.

You can use =REGEXEXTRACT with \\b[0-9]{2,4}\\b :

=REGEXEXTRACT(B2, "\b[0-9]{2,4}\b")

See the regex demo .

Details :

  • \\b - a leading word boundary
  • [0-9]{2,4} - 2 to 4 digits
  • \\b - trailing word boundary

In case your 2-4 digits are always preceded with - , you may use


See this regex demo

Details :

  • ^ - start of string
  • .*- - any 0+ chars up to the last - that is followed with...
  • ([0-9]{2,4}) - (Group 1 referred to with $1 in the replacement pattern) - 2 to 4 digits
  • \\b - a trailing word boundary
  • .* - any chars up to the end of string.

I'm not sure which language you use, but if it supports lookarounds, you can assert that there is a - (dash) on the left side.


See: https://regex101.com/r/sI9zR9/1

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