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ruby sinatra how to redirect with regex

I am trying to move stuff at root to /en/ directory to make my little service multi-lingual.

So, I want to redirect this url




My code is like

get %r{^/(\\?year\\=\\d{4})$} do |c| redirect "/en/#{c}" end

but it seems like I never get #{c} part from the url.

Why is that? or are there just better ways to do this?


You can use the request.path variable to get the information you're looking for.

For example,

get "/something" do
  puts request.path # => "/something"
  redirect "/en#{request.path}"

However if you are using query parameters (ie ?yeah=2000 ) you'll have to manually pass those off to the redirect route.

Kind of non-intuitively, there's a helper method for this in ActiveRecord.

require 'active_record'
get "/something" do
  puts params.to_param
  # if params[:year] is 2000, you'll get "year=2000"

  redirect "/en#{request.path}?#{params.to_param}"

You could alternatively write your own helper method pretty easily:

def hash_to_param_string(hash)
  hash.reduce("") do |string, (key, val)|
    string << "#{key}=#{val}&"

puts hash_to_param_string({key1: "val1", key2: "val2"})
# => "key1=val1&key2=val2"

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