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Mysql large database import

I am trying to import a database of 55 MB to mysql on localhost and DB in XML format and I am getting a out of memory error.

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 549453824) (tried to allocate 485169255 bytes) in E:\XAAMP\phpMyAdmin\libraries\Error_Handler.class.php on line 305

Before this I have change the php.ini file and made

  upload_max_filesize = 256M
  post_max_size = 128M

You also need to increase the allowed memory limit in your php.ini - eg:

memory_limit = 256M

Or directly in the script with ini_set()


Still a better solution would be to import it using:

mysql -u your_username -p db_name < paht_to_sql_file.sql

Try this:

`SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824`;


It can be run at your query in your working database itself.

it is somehow help a lot mostly if we are working a huge records from mysql database.

Hope it Helps..

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