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Why gevent can speed up requests to download?

I think requests.get should be block, so there should be no difference between run and run2.

import sys

import gevent
import requests
from gevent import monkey
def download():
def run():
    ls = [gevent.spawn(download) for i in range(100)]
def run2():
    for i in range(100):
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from timeit import Timer
    t = Timer(stmt="run();", setup="from __main__ import run")
    print('good', t.timeit(3))
    t = Timer(stmt="run2();", setup="from __main__ import run2")
    print('bad', t.timeit(3))

but result is:

good 5.006664161000117
bad 29.077525214999696

so are there all kind read, write could be speed up by gevent?

PS: I run it on mac/python3/requests 2.10.0/gevent 1.1.2

From the gevent website :

Fast event loop based on libev (epoll on Linux, kqueue on FreeBSD).

Lightweight execution units based on greenlet.

API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for example there are gevent.event.Events and gevent.queue.Queues).

Cooperative sockets with SSL support

DNS queries performed through threadpool or c-ares.

Monkey patching utility to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative

Basically, just for looping a bunch of requests.get() calls is slow due to the fact that you're, well, for looping through a bunch of requests.get() calls. Gevent'ing a bunch of requests.get() calls isn't slow due to the fact that you're throwing those calls into a threaded Queue instead, which then uses gevent's powerful API to run through those calls incredibly efficiently.

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