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How to map json data with array in react native

I have array like this in react native

 const data = [
    { key: 1, label: 'Service1'},
    { key: 2, label: 'Service2' },
    { key: 3, label: 'Service3' },
    { key: 4, label: 'Service4' },
    { key: 5, label: 'Service4' },

and json data:

 "services": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Hotels",
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Embassies",

How to map id to key and name to label???

You want to fill your const data with values from JSON, correct?

Try this:

 var jsonData = { "services": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Hotels" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Embassies" } ] }; var data = jsonData.services.map(function(item) { return { key: item.id, label: item.name }; }); console.log(data);

if your data like below (removed services key)

var jsonData = [
    { "id": 1, "name": "Hotels" },
    { "id": 2, "name": "Embassies" }

var data = jsonData.map(function(item) {
  return {
    key: item.id,
    label: item.name


i know it to much late,but i hope its helpfull for others,How to fetch the response of JSON array in react native?How to map json data with array in react native

export default class ExpenseNew extends Component {
            PickerSelectedVal : '',
         var account_nam=[]
                fetch('your Url', {
                    method: 'GET',
                    headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + your token }
                    .then((response) => response.json())
                    .then((customerselect) => {
                        // alert(JSON.stringify(customerselect)) 
                        global.customerdata = JSON.stringify(customerselect)
                        var customername = JSON.parse(customerdata);
                        for (i = 0; i < customername.cus_data.length; i++) {
                            var dataa = customername.cus_data[i]["account_name"];  
                    render() {
                          return (
                                placeholder="Select your customer"
                                iosIcon={<Icon name="arrow-down" />}
                                onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => this.setState({PickerSelectedVal: itemValue})} >

                                {this.state.accountnameMain.map((item, key)=>(
                                    <Picker.Item label={item} value={item} key={key}/>)




the above example is fetch array of data from json,and map data in to dropdown/picker,i hope its helpfull for others,if you have any query, asked from me

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