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Executing script requiring root access via CGI

I have a script script.py which I'm able to execute via CGI by navigating to mydomain.com/runscript .

The script however makes a subprocess call to echo "mysqldump ..." | sudo -i and sudo python using os.system(COMMAND) . When I attempt to run the script via the weblink, I get this error in /var/log/apache2/error.log :

[Fri Jul 29 16:52:42.515223 2016] [cgi:error] [pid 3013] [client ##.###.##.##:#####] AH01215: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

This is because CGI runs as user www-data , which doesn't have sudo permission.

I've tried adding this to my sudoers file:

%www-data    ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /var/www/html/scripts/script.py

however the errors persist. Why are the subprocess calls not receiving root access, and how can I give it to them and ONLY them? Thank you!


echo <your password> | sudo -S <your command>

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