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What is the best practice for returning results gathered from Observables in an Observable?

I'm using RxJava for my project and I am puzzled a bit with this piece of code:

    public Observable<Hexagon<T>> getHexagons() {
        return Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<Hexagon<T>>() {
            public void call(final Subscriber<? super Hexagon<T>> subscriber) {
                hexagonDataStorage.getCoordinates().subscribe(new Subscriber<CubeCoordinate>() {
                    public void onCompleted() {

                    public void onError(final Throwable throwable) {
                        System.err.println(String.format("Cannot get Hexagons: <%s>", throwable.getMessage()));

                    public void onNext(final CubeCoordinate cubeCoordinate) {
                        subscriber.onNext(new HexagonImpl<>(gridData, cubeCoordinate, hexagonDataStorage));

What I'm basically trying to do here is to

  • get all the CubeCoordinate objects by calling the getCoordinates method which in fact returns an Observable
  • transform the CubeCoordinate objects into Hexagon objects and return the result as a new Observable .

This example is working but it is really tiring on my eyes and also smells. Is there a better way to achieve the same result?

Also is there an implementation of Subscriber which only makes me override onCompleted and onNext ? onError is not needed in my case. I checked the source code but there is a gazillion of implementations and I can't differentiate based on my criteria.

To answer your first question - the operator you are looking for is map :

public Observable<Hexagon<T>> getHexagons() {
    return hexagonDataStorage.getCoordinates()
            .map(cubeCoordinate -> new HexagonImpl<>(gridData, cubeCoordinate, hexagonDataStorage))

It does exactly what you want - it transforms each item by applying a function.

To answer your second question - I highly suggest you always override onError , otherwise, if the RxJava stream encounters an exception, it will throw OnErrorNotImplementedException . You can make an abstract class that extends Subscriber and implement onError there and leave the other two methods abstract.

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