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Update mutiple rows in table using Realm in Android

I am using Realm to store my values in local database.

My requirement is that i need to change one field status=1 based on some condition.

I have tried following method to accomplish this task. And it is working fine.

   RealmResults<NotificationOrder> notificationOrders=realm

    for (NotificationOrder order:notificationOrders) {

Now there may be 1000 of such rows in my local db and using for loop to update single row doesn't seem proper way.

So my question : Is there any way like MYSQL Update Queries in Realm by which we can update all rows having status=0 by single statement instead of updating single row one by one ?


If I know right, the objects in the transaction ought to be managed, so

realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
    public void execute(Realm realm) {
       RealmResults<NotificationOrder> notificationOrders = realm
        for(NotificationOrder order : notificationOrders) {

Should be sufficient.

You can do, bulk update by setValue method like this:

            .setValue(RealmConstants.REALM_FIELD_NAME,value); // 1st parameter is field name, 2nd is value

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