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Android Realm Update Asynchronously Using RxJava

I have this query to update data already in my realm table;

for (MyGameEntrySquad squad : response.body().getSquad()) {
            subscription = realm.where(RealmPlayer.class).equalTo("id", squad.getPlayer().getId())
                    .subscribe(new Action1<RealmObject>() {
                        public void call(RealmObject realmObject) {



I would like to perform this query asynchronously then display the results on the UI.

Basically, whatever is been returned by response.body().getSquad() has an id matching a record already in the DB; and that is what am using in my equalTo method.

Based on the data received, I would like to update two columns on each of the record matching the IDs.

However, I am facing a few challenges on this:

  1. The Action1 in subscribe is returning a RealmObject instead of a PlayerObject
  2. How to proceed from here

Any guidance on this will be appreciated.



        if (response.isSuccessful()) {
        //asynchronously update the existing players records with my squad i.e is_selected
        for (MyGameEntrySquad squad : response.body().getSquad()) {

            realm.where(RealmPlayer.class).equalTo("id", squad.getPlayer().getId())
                    .filter(realmPlayer -> realmPlayer.isLoaded())
                    .subscribe(player -> {
                        if (squad.getPlayer().getPosition().equals("GK")) {

                        // pick the flex player
                        if (squad.isFlex()) {

                        // pick the Goalie
                        if (squad.getPlayer().getPosition().equals("GK")) {

                        // pick the DFs
                        if ((squad.getPlayer().getPosition().equals("DF")) && (!squad.isFlex())) {
                            int dfCounter = 1;
                            player.setPlaygroundPosition(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "df%d", dfCounter));

                        // pick the MFs
                        if ((squad.getPlayer().getPosition().equals("MF")) && (!squad.isFlex())) {
                            int mfCounter = 1;
                            player.setPlaygroundPosition(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "mf%d", mfCounter));

                        // pick the FWs
                        if ((squad.getPlayer().getPosition().equals("FW")) && (!squad.isFlex())) {
                            int fwCounter = 1;
                            player.setPlaygroundPosition(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "mf%d", fwCounter));





realm.where(RealmPlayer.class).equalTo("id", squad.getPlayer().getId())
                        .subscribe(new Action1<RealmPlayer>() {
                            public void call(RealmPlayer player) {


You should do like that.

Btw, it's bad idea to do it in a cycle - check in method of RealmQuery.

for (MyGameEntrySquad squad : response.body().getSquad()) { // btw why is this not `Observable.from()`?
        subscription = realm.where(RealmPlayer.class).equalTo("id", squad.getPlayer().getId())

This should not be on the UI thread. It should be on a background thread. On a background thread, you need to use synchronous query instead of async query.

Even on the UI thread, you'd still need to filter(RealmObject::isLoaded) because it's an asynchronous query, and in case of findFirstAsync() you need to filter for RealmObject::isValid as well.

For this case, you would not need asObservable() - this method is for observing a particular item and adding a RealmChangeListener to it . Considering this should be on a background thread with synchronous query, this would not be needed (non-looper background threads cannot be observed with RealmChangeListener s).

You should also unsubscribe from any subscription you create when necessary.

And yes, to obtain RealmPlayer in asObservable() , use .<RealmPlayer>asObservable() .

In short, you should put that logic on a background thread, and listen for changes on the UI thread. Background thread logic must be done with the synchronous API. You will not need findFirstAsync for this.

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