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XML - C# Generic method for getting a Value using a Key on a Serialized Object

I have an xml file that looks like below. And I want to create a method that would get me the value using the key.

            <cbt:Value>x-param- studentSurname-val</cbt:Value>

So, i want to get the valud of studentSurname using as key the studentName . The xml is serialized, so I can access for example the Student as an object. I can get the value of the first student by using the code I have written as below:

string studentSurname = myData.Class.Students.Student[0].Value;

Where myData is the serialized object. I would like a more generic method instead of getting just the first student.
EDIT: Another XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cbn:PaidOrderNotification xmlns:cbn="http://*/*.xsd">
    <cbn:Purchase cbt:Id="95233035" xmlns:cbt="http://xml.*.com/*.xsd">
        <cbt:Status>Test Order</cbt:Status>
            <cbt:Item cbt:RunningNo="1">
                <cbt:ProductReportingGroup>Basic alle Laufzeiten</cbt:ProductReportingGroup>
                <cbt:Deliveries />
                <cbt:Additionals />
                <cbt:ExtraParameters />
                <cbt:Value> x-my-val</cbt:Value>

I would like to take from here this value:


How can i do that?

Your XML document have namespaces but your example do not includes it, do I had to fake some values.

Once you have the URI for the namespaces, you can use a XmlNamespaceManager to look into the document with the appropriate qualifier

var xml = @"
    <cbn:Class xmlns:cbn='something' xmlns:cbt='something-else'>
                <cbt:Value>x-param- studentSurname-val</cbt:Value>

var doc = new XmlDocument();

var students = doc.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name() = 'Students']");
var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
    nsmgr.AddNamespace("cbt", students.NamespaceURI);

var dictionary =  students.SelectNodes("cbt:Student", nsmgr).OfType<XmlElement>()
    .ToDictionary(student => student.SelectSingleNode("cbt:Key"  , nsmgr).InnerText,
                  student => student.SelectSingleNode("cbt:Value", nsmgr).InnerText);

EDIT: You can do this as well:

string studentSurname = "";
var dictionary = myData.Class.Students.ToDictionary(student => student.Key, 
                                                    student => student.Value);
var exists = dictionary.TryGetValue("x-param-key-studentName-1", out studentSurname);

EDIT2: Note you have two different cbt:ExtraParameters elements, and the first one is empty. I extended the code to work with any cbt:ExtraParameter elements

var doc = new XmlDocument();

var dictionary = doc.SelectNodes("//*[local-name() = 'ExtraParameter']")
        extra => extra.SelectSingleNode("*[local-name() = 'Key'  ]").InnerText,
        extra => extra.SelectSingleNode("*[local-name() = 'Value']").InnerText

var studentSurname = "";
var exists = dictionary.TryGetValue("x-my-key", out studentSurname);

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