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Adding specific column from csv file to new csv file

I am trying to copy few columns from a csv file to a new CSV file. I have written below code to fulfill my requirements. But it is not giving me the expected output. Can someone please help me to get the required results..

import csv

f = csv.reader(open("C:/Users/...../file.csv","rb"))                
f2= csv.writer(open("C:/Users/.../test123.csv","wb"))

for row in f:

      for column in row:



The second iteration over each row is not necessary. Just access the columns in that row with the column index.

Also, I don't think there's a close method in csv reader and writer.

import csv

f = csv.reader(open("file.csv","rb"))
f2= csv.writer(open("test123.csv","wb"))

for row in f:

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