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verilog expecting a semicolon error near generate block

It's been years I've been working with verilog but recently I'm testing something with verilog. During a ncvlog compile, I have an error for which I can't find the cause. Below is the code(not complete yet).

`include "default.v"

module conv (
    input clr,
    input clk,
    input start_conv,
    output integer raddr,
    output integer waddr,
    input  real data_in,
    output real data_out

parameter NUM_CONV = `DEF_NUM_CONV;

genvar i;
for (i=0; i<NUM_CONV; i=i+1) begin : uconv
unit_conv inst() (
    .clr (clr),
    .clk (clk),
    .start (start_conv),
    .rreq (rreq[i]),
    .raddr (raddr[i]),
    .rdata (rdata[i]),
    .wreq (wreq[i]),
    .waddr (waddr[i]),
    .wdata (wdata[i])



The error I get is like below :

ckim@stph45:~/Neuro/convhw] ncvlog -sv conv.v
ncvlog: 12.20-s008: (c) Copyright 1995-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
unit_conv inst() (
ncvlog: *E,EXPSMC (conv.v,19|17): expecting a semicolon (';') [12.1.2][7.1(IEEE)].

Is the port mapping syntax for generated instances wrong? According to this it seems correct though... By the way, I compile with ncvlog -SV conv.v .

Consider the following:

unit_conv inst (
    .clr (clr),
    .clk (clk),
    .start (start_conv),
    .rreq (rreq[i]),
    .raddr (raddr[i]),
    .rdata (rdata[i]),
    .wreq (wreq[i]),
    .waddr (waddr[i]),
    .wdata (wdata[i])

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