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Explaining a difference between g++ on SUSE SLED 11 SP2 versus Ubuntu 14.04

I'm bringing an Ubuntu 14.04 OS up to a build standard. The goal is for it to replace an existing SUSE SLED 11 SP2 builder. But I've hit an error I find difficult to explain.

The build command which produces the error is


On Ubuntu this results in a link error. g++ cannot find the symbols from libz.

To fix this I can simply place -l:libz.so.1.2.8 after out/linux-rel/bin/libarchive.a. This 'looks' correct as it allows libarchive.a to find the libz symbols. ie Which I believe should be listed after the library that depends upon them.

But I don't know why this is necessary on Ubuntu. The same command works fine on SLED.

Any ideas?

g++ cannot find the symbols from libz.

You have libz in the wrong place on the link line, and Ubuntu configured their gcc to pass --as-needed to the linker by default.

You can run readelf -d PrtReporter | grep libz readelf -d PrtReporter | grep libz and verify that libz.so is missing (ie the loader will not even try to load it).

To fix, add -Wl,--no-as-needed or (better) move libz to correct place on the link line.

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