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How do I fix this? linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I am adding Vungle SDK to my objective C project and I keep getting this error which I cannot figure out


Does anybody have any clues on how to fix this issue?

I am also using Cocoa pods!


You could use Cocoapods to add the SDK to your project. This way you do not have to worry about manual Xcode setup.

See https://support.vungle.com/hc/en-us/articles/204430550-Get-Started-with-Vungle-iOS-SDK

A couple things you need to do:

1) in the list of files in your Xcode project, click on the framework and makes sure it's included in your target. Like I've done with RNCryptor in my own project here: 检查目标记忆 2) Go to your Target's Build Phases and make sure your framework is included under "Link Binary With Libraries" 将二进制文件与库链接

Separately, IF you are using Cocoapods:

1) make sure to do both a pod install and pod update (while the Xcode workspace is closed) and once that's done, reopen the workspace.

So many different problems for the same error message.(Linker command failed with exit code 1)

1) if you had two same constants in different classes then also this issue happens.

2) if you have accidentally imported a .m file instead of .h file in an implementation file.

3) This error can also be occurred if you have imported two different versions of same library ,in this case just remove the older version and keep only one version.

4) Adding the " other linker flags " in " Project " and not in " Targets ". So, you move it to " Targets ", it shouldn't be in " Project ".

5) Check it out in

project->target->build settings-> search enable bitcode->set NO in DEBUG

check out this .. if it's OK then once do like following.

Menu > Product > Clean ... then Run the project

I think after deleting Derived data, cleaning and rebuilding will works fine. One more thing, you need to split code of AppDelegate and ViewController cause they have their own roles.

Hope it helps you.. :)

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