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Selenium IE11 not responding

Our Manual Scenario is as following:

  • The opened page would ask for a solution name(a textbox).Solution name can be any thing and a solution can be generated with some on cloud constituents.
  • Let the name given for solution is "Answer" and hit enter, then the solution start registering on the cloud. Or after writing "Answer" into the text box and click anywhere else , would also effect the same.

Now Problem is: While we are trying to achieve same with automation test script, it is going smooth with Firefox and Chrome. But while we are trying on IE11, after putting the solution name onto the text box the UI is not responding anymore.So the solution is not able to start register itself on the cloud.

The Code is:

    WebElement solName= driver.findElement(By.id("SolutionName"));
    solName.sendKeys(sol_Name);//after this line IE is not responding
    solName.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);//In debug mode this line is executing also, but no effect on UI

尝试移至硒3,它仅是一个beta版本,但它应该能更好地工作org.seleniumhq.selenium selenium-ie-driver 3.0.0-beta2

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