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Website root folder - PHP - Wordpress

I've recently set up a VPS server using 123-reg.co.uk

I have a number of sites to transfer to it that use Wordpress as a CMS service.

I 'include' worpress as follows:


Which gives me access to predefined wordpress methods such as get_page_by_title( 'home' ) which retrieves the page named 'home'.

Here's the issue, it looks like wordpress relies on an absolute path to further include the files it needs and I'm struggling to get it working.

Further information:

Wordpress is installed in a folder /blog/ It's included as follows:

define('PROJECT_ROOT', getcwd());
include PROJECT_ROOT . "/includes/header1.php";

which calls

include_once PROJECT_ROOT . "/includes/config.php";
require(PROJECT_ROOT .  '/blog/wp-blog-header.php');

The config PHP works fine as does the initial wordpress include.

wp-blog-header.php calls 'require_once( dirname( FILE ) . '/wp-load.php' );'

Which seems to go to '/var/www/vhosts/websitename.co.uk/httpdocs/blog/wp-load.php' which looks right but which causes the site to fail with a generic error (500 internal server error).

Any ideas ?

EDIT: Apache error logs:

2016-08-16 17:57:04 Warning      mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 45 seconds              Apache error
2016-08-16 17:57:04 Error      Premature end of script headers: index.php              Apache error

As requested by @gentlemanmax


require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/blog/wp-blog-header.php');


a2enmod php7.2

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